I really liked your take on Snikket! As far as I’ve seen due to COVID the development has really been slowed down. I like the idea (it suits my use-case of family server) but I hope more clients will be supported (most notably iOS and desktops).

You could make a more articles about various clients for XMPP (Conversations.im, Dino.im) as I’ll be definitely sharing your Snikket article with whoever wants to setup XMPP server quickly.

@wiktor Thanks! I will try to write more articles about XMPP

I think so too that we need at least an iOS client and maybe a web client which could be used on GNU/Linux, Mac OS and Windows. I think that's how Slack and Riot began on desktop also.

@caius @snikket_im From what I read audio-video calls are supported on Conversations, but not yet on Snikket mobile app nor on Snikket's server app.

@KillianKemps @snikket_im Ok, so you can use any XMPP client. What is federation like, is that explicit federation only? Do you need to whitelist which servers your server talks to? Or are you on the full XMPP network once you have joined a Snikket server?
@snikket_im @KillianKemps Ok, thanks for clarifying.

It's a bit unclear from the marketing, as it just talks about how Snikket users can connect to Snikket servers and talk to users on other Snikket servers.

It's a bit like how new users on the Fediverse might think their Mastodon account is on the Mastodon network (because that's the Mastodon marketing) and don't realize they're part of something bigger.
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