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Un super article sur le futur du numérique et l'idée de numérique « alternatif »

Un commentaire du livre « Contre l'alternumérisme » écrit par Julia Laïnae et Nicolas Alep

Are people using KaiOS ( on their phone and can they share their opinion about its security and privacy protection?

Is KaiOS easily hackable? Hello, I read your articles about the Lineage-based /e/ ROM, they are very interesting, thank you! Can you explain how you checked the outgoing traffic to Google? I would like to do the same tests on my Fairphone running Fairphone Open.

Also, do you already have an advice about the Firefox OS-based KaiOS concerning privacy? This operating system is running on Nokia's current feature phones. (

L’email n'a pas été conçu
pour les collectifs. Assez bricolé. Le moment est venu de construire la solution dont nous avons besoin. 🏗

n'installez jamais jamais stopcovid


La sécurité publique du Minnesota va utiliser le contact tracing pour retracer les contacts des personnes arrêtées lors des manifestations.



Proposition de loi en France visant à interdire la diffusion d’images de policiers : un texte qui constituerait une sérieuse atteinte à la liberté de la presse

Je n'ai pas connu ça, mais c'est intéressant de savoir que les pageurs/bipeurs, ont existé.

La page Wikipedia du pageur le plus connu :

Et je vois sur le site de e*messager qu'il y a encore des modèles en vente :

On peut dire que c'est plus simple et écologique qu'un smartphone.

Si on peut juste ajouter un clavier et faire en sorte d'utiliser le protocole SMS plus répandu, ça me plairait bien je pense.

Every time a new #SVN release comes out, comment sections fill up with remarks like "let it die already" or "is anyone still using this?"

This attitude misses a major design goal of version control: longevity

Much data has ended up in SVN repositories since 2005. We still have compatible up-to-date software 15 years on, which runs on any modern OS and is fully backwards compatible.

Is it still a great choice for new projects? Probably not. But that doesn't mean that maintenance should stop.

Just got another email from a blind user of SourceHut thanking me for caring about accessibility in my work. And honestly, it wasn't difficult. I don't understand why my peers in web development seemingly couldn't give a rat's ass about accessibility. Maybe because at their level of complexity, to them "accessibility" means "a shitload of aira tags and a ton of work", whereas at my level of complexity it means "just keep it simple and don't do anything particularly stupid"

Is anyone playing with , hyper:// protocol (previously called dat:// ) ?

I want to learn more about it, about projects around it, read criticisms and teach it to my students.

@julienxx @KillianKemps The idea being that this could work better for people who are only intermittently online, and could cut down on the overhead of multiple TLS setups/teardowns.

Bravo à @covoiturage_libre qui prend soin de demander à ses sociétaires si collectivement tout le monde souhaite faire l'AG sur #zoom ou sur une solution #libre 🤗 Et si vous avez des parts, vite allez voter ✌

@kensanata And syndicate your content with Atom or RSS feeds so people can "follow you" without the need of an account at some third party!


Wow really impressed by StopCovid's commitment to privacy 👌


Ooh, look at what just arrived :)

This is the #PineBook Pro – a $200 ARM-based Linux Laptop.

I’ve only just taken it out of the box and set it up but I am SO IMPRESSED. Amazing build quality, usable performance… this has the makings of a game changer.

Will write more about it as I go.

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