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Amsterdam inaugure le premier supermarché sans plastique

La particularité du supermarché néerlandais Ekoplaza ? Les emballages des 700 produits qui le composent sont naturels et bio-dégradables.

#TransitionEcologique #Écologie #Plastique

French non-profit @exodus has built a searchable database to reveal all the trackers they've found in thousands of Android apps, and it works great! 👏👌

#Privacy #Security #transparency

Tutanota comes with 0 trackers! 💪 👉

Sur @ARTEfr l'emission #Xenius se consacre à l'Art de la Cartographie. Avec du #OpenStreetMap dedans. On y voit une cartopartie à Karlsruhe, #Josm, #Vespucci, etc...

Another open source mobile is being worked on (apparently for more than year already).
It will have the i.MX6 SoC and will be manufactured in Finland.

J'ai fait la formation PSC1 avec la Croix Blanche et c'était très enrichissant.

Je conseille à chacun et à chacune de la faire pour se sentir plus rassuré⋅e lorsqu'il faut agir en cas d'un accident et savoir que faire.

C'était vraiment intéressant de voir le profil des participants. Surtout des jeunes et seulement quelques personnes ont fait la formation car ça leur était obligatoire professionnellement.

Je vous encourage à faire la formation de secourisme citoyen !

Four years ago we open sourced Tutanota so that others can check we stick to our promise: Securing your emails from prying eyes. Because we love fighting for your right to privacy. Today you can even get our Android app from @fdroidorg - completely Google-free! 😀

Censure antiterroriste: la Commission européenne veut détruire l'Internet décentralisé.

Elle propose un règlement qui imposera à tout hébergeur Web des obligations que seuls les géants pourront tenir et, ainsi, poussera les autres à disparaître

Article :

The Chaos Communication Congress (C3) is the perfect place to spread ideas about decentralized social media and ethical alternatives to the #GAFAM.

The 35th C3 will take place in Leipzig on December 27-30, and the call for talks is open until October 15:

Past talks are available here:

@switchingsocial, @Framasoft, @eugen.rochko, @balu
it would be great if you have a talk!

#35C3 #iday

Annnnd we just released YunoHost 3.2 😋 ! This version includes a new key feature which we anticipate will make a difference in debugging issues such as failed app installs ✌️ !

Several improvements were also made in the admin documentation 📄 !

In the meantime, we are also creating a french association called "Support Self-Hosting" (SSH :thinkerguns: ) to help with receiving donations / grants and deciding how to allocate the monee™ 💰.

More info on the release note :

What is more ecological? Having services installed on a virtual server at a hosting provider or having a little computer like a Raspberry Pi at home?

At the hosting provider, as every servers are shared, there can be some savings if a lot of people are using the same servers.

On the other side, a Raspberry Pi has low power, so it doesn't consume much.

What would be the energy cost and temperature effect if everyone would have a Raspberry Pi at home?

En parlant d'#OpenStreetMap, j'ai vu Mission Impossible 6 hier, et je suis 99,7% sûr que le plan de l'attaque dans le quartier de Bercy est une bête impression grand format du style de base d'OSM (il y a même un POI "Monoprix" à pein caché par une feuille). Je peux dire que j'ai contribué à un blockbuster américain !

Some people may criticize the Fediverse for its instances maintained by amateurs and for which you have no guarantee about having a constant service or to protect the data.

If we could have a good backup service, it would then mitigate possible issues with loss of data.

Also, it would be nice to allow people to buy their own domain name and link it to other instances when needed. Then people could change their instance without losing their address/identity.

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I think something we need to think with the Fediverse is backups.

I see people moving from one instance to the other because one is closing, but they can also move because one had a technical issue.

In any case, I think it could be nice for everyone to have backups of its federated data and to be able to move between instances without having to worry about data.

Do you know about a service which would backup your Mastodon and other federated accounts daily?

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Qowala's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!