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"So long Disqus, hello Webmention"

Nicolas Hoizey, co-founder of Clever Age, writes about Webmentions which allows to have comments from other people on your blog without having them to give their data to a service like Disqus.

The Jolla company is going to refund the second half of the tablet campaign.

It begins with 100 randomly selected backers for this month. Concerned backers will receive an email suggesting three possible options for their refund.

Wire, an alternative messaging app to WhatsApp and Skype is now fully open source. The server-side code has been opened in April and today it is now the client-side to be opened.

The app is working on all major desktop and mobile platforms.

Today's article about open sourcing the client-side:

Wire's website:

Oh, I just saw that Ring 1.0 is finally out since yesterday!

Ring is an open source equivalent to Skype which is fully decentralized and which encrypts all video, audio and text communications.

It is compatible with GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android

Another good initiative to support!

Eeet @grammalecte a atteint son objectif de financement !

C'est satisfaisant de savoir que la campagne a réussi en sachant qu'à quelques heures près c'était terminé.

Bon, maintenant vous devez faire du bon boulot. :D

Grammalecte est l'un des meilleurs correcteur grammatical libre dédié à la langue française. Il est utilisable dans votre suite bureautique LibreOffice et ainsi que dans votre navigateur web.

Une campagne de financement est organisée pour améliorer encore l'outil, et elle est à "ça" d'atteindre l'objectif. Un dernier coup de pouce et la langue française vous remerciera. :D

Le lien vers le financement participatif :

Will we have replacement for Thunderbird? The KDE project is working on Kube, an email client.

I'm okay using Thunderbird, but there are sometimes bugs and I think nowadays we can have a better experience with better integrated services.

So, it is interesting to see if there will be new alternatives. (No, please, no Electron app)

There is a crowdfunding for a tablet running on SailfishOS, which looks very similar to the Jolla Tablet.

It would be interesting to have more information about who is behind the campaign.

Will it fail like the Jolla Tablet's previous crowdfunding campaign? Will it this time be a success?

Github has launched a website called "Open Source Friday" to encourage people to contribute.

Interesting initiative.

Purism's laptops are getting more and more popular and that's good news!

They build laptops with Linux installed and privacy in mind.
They also designed a tablet pc "Transformer" with Linux.

A good initiative to support!

"Purism’s Security Focused Librem Laptops Go Mainstream as General Availability Begins"

Vous connaissez des évènements intéressants tech' / open source qui se déroulent ce week-end à Paris en dehors de VivaTech ?

If you like the way the GNU/Linux distribution Solus is going, you can support the team, because @ikey has quit his job at Intel to work full-time on the project!

Thanks a lot to Solus for improving the Linux Desktop and making it easy to use!
I'm very excited for the Linux Driver Management to finally be able to use Nvidia Optimus on Linux 😀

If you wish to know how much time you spend on websites, like for example Mastodon, you can use our Qowala browser plugin to let you know.

You can follow the link below for Firefox. It is also compatible Chrome, but not in the store.

The plugin is part of the bigger Qowala project in order to help you master your usage of social networks. Do not spend too much time on websites and take a fresh air!

Si vous utilisez Google Classroom dans votre organisation, j'ai publié une appli open source que j'ai réalisée pour mon école pour faciliter la création de Classroom en masse.

J'ai écrit un article pour expliquer le contexte, les difficultés techniques et pourquoi j''ai choisi de le rendre open source.

Libre à vous de réutiliser et de contribuer !

Do you know of a nice todo list app? I'm searching one since months, but can't find one that suits me.
I would like it to be Open Source and very user-friendly.

For the moment, Todoist has a nice interface, but is not Open source. TaskWarrior is powerful, but has no UI and is complicated to setup between several devices.

I would like also to know if it would be possible to estimate time for tasks, and get the schedule automatically organized in my calendar.

Oh, there is an Indiegogo crowdfunding for a project called Muonium.
It is an encrypted and Open Source cloud project.

They want to protect the data and care about privacy. It may be good to support them.

And they seems to be French, yeah ! 🇫🇷

Purism has a roadmap to have the Free Software Foundation's Certification on its hardware

I think it is a good project to support because there are not so much people who have the motivation and the skills to work on Open Source Hardware.

Do you know how much time you spend on social networks?
At Qowala we have released the first version of our plugin to inform you about the time you spend on social networks every day.

It is available on Firefox:

Please give us feedback!

PS: It is Open Source and cares about your privacy

PS2: I don't go much on Twitter, as you can see on the screenshot

In fact, I dream of a solution that allows to store links, but also all kind of documents like PDF of even pictures of text (that I can take from a magazine and that would be scanned by OCR) and then I would be able to tag the contents, annotate them and share them to other people.

It would be a kind of knowledge base where I would be able to find everything I could have read in the past and reuse later when comes the good moment.

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Do you know some kind of good Open Source Bookmark manager as alternative to and ?

I'm searching since months, but no one seems to fit me.
I know of Shaarli, but the interface is not very user-friendly. I know of Buku which is good, but has no GUI at all. There is Wallabag that I use, but I'm stuck at v2.1.6 and it seems there is still a lack of features for collaboration and annotation.

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Qowala's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!