Just got another email from a blind user of SourceHut thanking me for caring about accessibility in my work. And honestly, it wasn't difficult. I don't understand why my peers in web development seemingly couldn't give a rat's ass about accessibility. Maybe because at their level of complexity, to them "accessibility" means "a shitload of aira tags and a ton of work", whereas at my level of complexity it means "just keep it simple and don't do anything particularly stupid"
@julienxx@mastodon.sdf.org @Steinar@fosstodon.org @solderpunk@tilde.zone I was thinking of it too. Anonymous users could send text files through SFTP as comments to other texts. And I think by setting the sticky-bit on the files mode, the comments would not be altered by other anonymous users and still be readable to everyone.
Bravo à @covoiturage_libre qui prend soin de demander à ses sociétaires si collectivement tout le monde souhaite faire l'AG sur #zoom ou sur une solution #libre 🤗 Et si vous avez des parts, vite allez voter ✌
RT @kaepora@twitter.com
Wow really impressed by StopCovid's commitment to privacy 👌
Ooh, look at what just arrived :)
This is the #PineBook Pro – a $200 ARM-based Linux Laptop.
I’ve only just taken it out of the box and set it up but I am SO IMPRESSED. Amazing build quality, usable performance… this has the makings of a game changer.
Will write more about it as I go.
Le journal Le Un n°298 cette semaine a pour une « Silence, on vous surveille ».
Il est intéressant avec plusieurs articles différents sur ce sujet. Je le conseille à toutes personnes qui n'a pas beaucoup de temps pour lire et qui aimerait se forger un peu son opinion sur le sujet de l'application StopCovid.
Il n'y a généralement pas beaucoup de Le Un chez le magasin de journaux donc je vous conseille de vous dépêcher de l'acheter ;).
@winniehell@octodon.social @Framasoft Yes I know this Gitlab instance and I use it for some projects, but I'm looking to move to another service because Framasoft encourages people to go on other services and to avoid to centralize on their services.
@Ouvaton cherche une ou des personnes pour mener une mission de communication rémunérée afin de recruter de nouveaux coopérateurs. Il leur faut donc définir des cibles, des approches, des supports.
Contactez-les si vous avez les compétences !
Tout est là : https://ouvaton.coop/echos-de-la-coop-mai-2020/
Please RP !
Voici nos plans pour la v3 de #PeerTube (avec du #live pour cet automne !)
▶️ les infos sur le framablog https://framablog.org/2020/05/26/nos-plans-pour-peertube-v3-collecte-perlee-du-live-pour-cet-automne
▶️ voir et financer la roadmap https://joinpeertube.org/roadmap
The PeerTube content bootstrap fund:
Please boost!
@lutindiscret Do you use them combined as peer-to-peer backup solution?
I know these tools, but I would like to do backups between the family and avoid a maybe complex setup.
Bravo à l'équipe de @tails pour sa nouvelle page d'accueil !
Do you know of a good backup solution from computer to computer? NOT in the cloud.
Which would be Open source and multi-platform?
I found BuddyBackup which looks like what I'm searching http://buddybackup.com/
However it is not open source and seems to be working only on Windows.
Unable to deal with Chrome Extension Team, Kozmos is shutting down
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23285466
More I look into SourceHut and more I like the design choices. It feels simple, straight to the point.
However, I haven't created an account yet to try it more. I'm still thinking that I would like to use an European alternative to Github/Gitlab on which GDPR would apply.
Is there any initiative to have an European-hosted instance of SourceHut?
I would love to quit Github and others to this European-hosted SourceHut and I'm keen to pay the monthly fee.
Web Developer and Devops specialized in Green IT, Privacy and Free Software. Co-founded RésiLien hosting provider.
Location: Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, France.
Follows Open Source, Privacy, Ecology and Low Tech.
Ex-Devops @ruchequiditoui.
Ex-Web developer @gandi_net.
Toots in English and French.