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It's here...! The latest release of Snikket supports voice and video calling out of the box! ☎📽

If you're upgrading the server from a previous release, check out the upgrade notes:

Setting up a new server? Check out the quick start guide:

The latest app update is already in Google Play. F-Droid users keep a look out for it arriving soon!

Very awesome news someone shared in our community!

#CodiMD is now officially recommended by the #french government:

Check our profile to find links to our demo instance, the repositories and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! /sh

#collaboration #freeSoftware


I've said it before and I'll say it again: and are outstanding human beings. This story from highlights their selfless acts in helping through his legal ordeal.

Outstanding article, outstanding humans.


Anyone here interested in working together (me: UX, you: code) to build a new Appointments / Calendly-like app for #Nextcloud? The existing one is flawed to the point of unusability. #OpenSourceDesign #DesignLibre

Know of a nonprofit that wants to launch a project that will use the Internet to improve people's lives in this time of #COVIDー19 / #COVID19 ? The Internet Society Foundation has a grant program open right now - DEADLINE is ** May 17 **.

Nous avons rédigé des réponses aux questions les plus fréquentes que nous avons pu recevoir depuis le lancement de notre plateforme :

Qui contrôle votre #ordiphone et qui devrait avoir ce pouvoir ?

Le débat sur le contrôle des ordiphones est ancien mais a récemment repris de l'importance en France lors de la discussion sur une éventuelle application de suivi des contacts pour l'épidémie de COVID-19. En effet, les systèmes d'exploitation les plus répandus sur ordiphone ne permettent pas certaines fonctions qu'un projet d'application voulait utiliser.

#iOS #Android #Replicant #/e/

- the /e/ OS "easy" installer is now available in beta! and your can join the project to improve it!
- get your /e/-Fairphone 3

This week's newsletter is available in: English, French, German, Italian and Russian online at:

Wow! Our post in which we asks for a technical writing consultant to strengthen our Technical Writing team, that we published via #mastodon has already more boosts then the post we published at #twitter.

very new #mastodon account with 300 followers
- versus -
old #twitter account with 51.000 followers.

fediverse 1 : 0 twitter
(this post:

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Remember, the first one is free. Also, they probably promise they won't be evil, just ask Google.

MNT Reform (open hardware laptop) campaign is live:

And here's the Launch Announcement:

Thanks to everyone who helped and supported us to make this happen.

Aujourd'hui, je vous offre mon nouveau roman, « Apérocalypse » (EPUB et PDF en téléchargement libre). Le truc, c'est que ce sera à vous d'imaginer la fin :)

@gee a de multiples talents mais il faut bien le dire c’est une grosse feignasse aussi, la preuve il ne termine même pas son roman (au prétexte fallacieux qu’une grippette mondiale a dépassé sa fiction) et nous propose de continuer à sa place. Comme si qu’on avait pas aut’chos à fout’ nous autres (qui sommes bien plus feignasses que lui et beaucoup moins talentueux faut bien le dire aussi)
enfin allez voir par là, sur un malentendu, vous pourrez avoir des crêpes au suc’

Un retour d'expérience de Gauthier Roussilhe, un designer indépendant, qui a choisi de plafonner ses revenus

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Qowala's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!