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Do you know of a good backup solution from computer to computer? NOT in the cloud.
Which would be Open source and multi-platform?

I found BuddyBackup which looks like what I'm searching
However it is not open source and seems to be working only on Windows.

More I look into SourceHut and more I like the design choices. It feels simple, straight to the point.

However, I haven't created an account yet to try it more. I'm still thinking that I would like to use an European alternative to Github/Gitlab on which GDPR would apply.

Is there any initiative to have an European-hosted instance of SourceHut?

I would love to quit Github and others to this European-hosted SourceHut and I'm keen to pay the monthly fee.


9 services en ligne libres, du collectif CHATONS pour télétravailler : rédaction et tableur collaboratifs, partage de fichiers, d'images, visio-conférence, etc.
Parfaitement libres, gratuits, sans inscription et respectueux de votre #ViePrivée.


🔴 #Question !

Dites les gens, connaissez-vous un bon outil de "Feedback" à intégrer sur un site, sans fioritures, Libre, Open-Source en (PHP/JS/HTML pas autre -> installable sur mutualisé).

Le but, permettre aux utilisateurs de nous faire des retours d'expérience afin d’affiner l'UX, sans que j'ai à tout dev 😅

#RT #ReToot #UI #UX #ExperienceUtilisateur #UserExperience #Feedback

I'm trying out the toot CLI as alternative for using Mastodon. It looks more minimalist than the web interface and feels more peaceful. No automatic refresh. No pictures.

I discovered only today the tool Vdirsyncer to synchronize CalDAV and CardDAV.

That's great because otherwise I was planning to code a similar tool by myself to synchronise the contacts between my different CardDAV servers for backup purpose.

🎉 The fediverse is 12 years old, so we decided to celebrate (slightly late) by doing an alpha release.

You can check it out at, make sure to read what is broken and why, so that we keep the bug reports to things we don't know about and that are under our control.

@IzzyOnDroid has said he will host it on his F-Droid repo, and we will also start the process with the main @fdroidorg repo.

Tell us what you think!

Wow, @PixelDroid is moving fast, better ship some commits 😅

Les goélands abattent leur premier drone !

Devant le @Conseil_Etat, nous venons de gagner notre référé-liberté contre les #drones de l'état d'urgence sanitaire.

Cette décision historique devrait avoir des conséquences sur l'ensemble des drones policiers.

Bon anniversaire C&F éditions ! Notre petite maison a 17 ans cette année, l’âge de la conscience et des projets

Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program 🖌. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone 👩‍🎨 👨‍🎨 . The latest version of Krita, built on #KDE is now available as a snap.

snap install krita

@Lapineige pour les curieux, cet article de l’intégrateur de logiciels ibre Arawa explique les différences d’architecture plutôt clairement

La proposition de loi #Avia est ADOPTÉE

Sombre journée pour nos libertés.

Les argumentaires fallacieux de la majorité ont défendu cette loi de censure politique par la simplification et le rejet des critiques constructives.

Les masques #Covid_19 livrés aux agents @Minist_Travail, notamment aux inspecteurs du travail qui peuvent être confrontés à des risques majeurs lors de contrôles d’entreprises délinquantes, sont des cache-poussières hors normes ! Pan sur le bec de la ministre irresponsable !

It's here...! The latest release of Snikket supports voice and video calling out of the box! ☎📽

If you're upgrading the server from a previous release, check out the upgrade notes:

Setting up a new server? Check out the quick start guide:

The latest app update is already in Google Play. F-Droid users keep a look out for it arriving soon!

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Qowala's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!